Dear Friends,
This sharing of reflections and grateful thanks marks the conclusion of the Wisdom Keepers Michael and Mary Line Pilgrimage undertaken between June 13th and July 3rd 2019. A constellation of Wisdom Keepers carrying lines of prayer from different regions around the world, supported by Elders and initiates from the Fair Isles of Albion and many other countries, travelled during this period the length of the widest part of the island complex along the sacred route known as the Michael and Mary Line, an intertwining current of Earth energies known here as ‘ley’ lines and globally as dragon lines.
The pilgrimage began on the shores of the North Sea at Hopton-on-Sea in East Anglia. Here the Michael and Mary lines enter our shores a few hundred yards apart from each other after their passage across Scandinavia from the North Pole. After making offerings here and at St Margaret’s Church, accompanied by our guide and host the wonderful Susie Martineau and local resident dowsers and spiritual community, we travelled to the beautiful and serene ruins of Bury St Edmunds Abbey, and held a simple ceremony offering thanks as we began to learn what the land and lines needed and were calling for.
The Wisdom Keepers then participated in the third year of the Kiva, an Earth Altar carried with much love, care and attention globally by Margarita Jiménez Orozco & Sergio Tsurayuqui Torres Jimenez from Mexico, and facilitated here by Brett and Kathy Kellett. The prayer is a commitment for four years, and each year lasts for four days making offerings to a giant altar which has situated itself squarely on the Mary line just outside Royston in Cambridgeshire.
Kiva Gathering,
Royston, Cambridge
Summer Solstice Celebrations,
Avebury, Wiltshire
Wisdom Keepers Gathering
Wasing, Berkshire
Glastonbury Festival
Pilgrimage Concludes,

At the conclusion of the Kiva, we held ceremony in the Royston cave itself which is where the Michael and Mary lines, and the Axis Mundi now known as the Greenwich Meridian lines cross. Thereafter the Wisdom Keepers continued the pilgrimage to Avebury, holding ceremony, making prayers and observing a glorious summer solstice sunset and sunrise. We then held camp at Wasing estate, gathering together as a group and preparing for our offering at Glastonbury festival.
We were hosted in Glastonbury itself by Catherine Gaze and Wisdom Keeper Emma Stow who facilitated ceremony at the Red and White Springs and also atop the Tor, where we first took sight of the festival site itself.
The Wisdom Keepers spent a week at the festival, offering an opening ‘haywarikwee’ prayer to the land and waters, a kind of Andean prayer bundle made collectively which literally means ‘to offer with my own hand’ and also participated in several area opening ceremonies including the spectacular Green Fields opening.
Photo Credits: Jeremy Whelehan
The Wisdom Keepers spent a week at the festival, offering an opening ‘haywarikwee’ prayer to the land and waters, a kind of Andean prayer bundle made collectively which literally means ‘to offer with my own hand’ and also participated in several area opening ceremonies including the spectacular Green Fields opening.
During the festival, the Wisdom Keepers participated in the Procession for the Earth in partnership with Extinction Rebellion, Greenpeace, Oxfam and the Glastonbury festival team led by Emily Eavis, with Kurikindi offering the opening prayers and Jyoti the closing prayers in the Stone Circle field. The group also shared talks, ceremonies and workshops during the course of the festival in several venues, as well as further appearances at The Other Stage offering thanks for the life of Polly Higgins and her work bringing Ecocide law into being, while calling for the Rights of Nature be afforded to natural land and waters as sovereign beings in their own right, and finally closing prayers at the Avalon Stage, kindly hosted by Nahko Bear and the Medicine People and the stage team. Please see here for a slideshow of some of the highlights of the Wisdom Keepers’ contribution to the festival.
On leaving the festival, the journey continued on into Devon, where we visited and held ceremony at the Dozmary Pool and The Dancers Stone circles in Bodmin, hosted by the most excellent Sean Ferris, along with Stephen Hancock and local resident Jeremy. We then visited St Michael’s Mount, hosted and accompanied by Ramon and his team, and held ceremony at the extraordinary point of confluence between the Michael and Mary, and several other notable global ley lines.
The last morning of the pilgrimage saw us hold ceremony at Caen lês Boel, the very last point of land in Cornwall before the lines leave our shores. The pilgrimage concluded with a swim through the Temple of the Sea at Nanjizal cave.
Photo Credits: Jeremy Whelehan
The pilgrimage proved an amazing exploration and example both of how collaboration between many people resolved in service to each other and the Earth can build alliance; and also how we can inhabit and share a living microcosm of how our culture and species can return to a way of living in harmony with the Earth and all her beings.
We learnt that we can co-create between us the right container to facilitate our own and each others’ healing and renewal, and how offering such a space beyond judgment and recrimination is critical to offering the true acknowledgement of the deep wounds inflicted by the colonial period to almost all peoples and their lands. From this place, how subsequently we can embody the necessary solidarity to heal these wounds and empower us all to relearn and live in a good way together once again.
We have seen and now continue to integrate many learnings and teachings from the land itself and those who have been called to support this work, and feel that many potent possibilities present themselves going forward. We hope that the work of sharing the ancestral wisdom traditions will continue in the free spaces that the phenomenon of festival affords so we can continue to model and experience the new culture that is birthing itself now so we can return to an aligned way of life as a species in the coming years.
Ultimately the teaching of these Fair Isles at this time, or ‘Merlin’s Classroom’ in another apt and true name for Albion, is that we are emerging into a time beyond duality, between gender, race and relationship with the natural world, into one of collaboration, co-creation and deep, embodied solidarity. The Wisdom Keepers invite all of us to step into this dawning reality together, united.
We hope that these reflections appear comprehensive and that we have paid attention to all that we have seen, whether apparently small or big. Please forgive any omissions and help guide us to see and learn from these experiences so we may take on these learnings and integrate them in our lives and work going forward in the best way and in service to all.

Our deepest grateful thanks to:
First and foremost to the beautiful and profound sacred lands, beings and ancestors of these Fair Isles of Albion – may our work be pleasing to you, and a fitting tribute to and nurturing of our incredible deep rich traditions and history, present and future.
To the living, coherent and connected traditions worldwide that still now resonate and thrive since the very dawn of time to this day, and the carriers of these lineages and the initiated bridges who travelled from the four corners of this beautiful Blue Planet to share and support this work: J Julia of the Deepen Tradition; Chris Park of the Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids; Catherine Gaze and Emma Stow, Elder and Guardian of Avalon; Jyoti and Erika Gagnon from Turtle Island; Elizabeth Jenkins, Jeff Firewalker, Ellen Kittredge and Debra Delglyn, carriers of the Q’ero teachings of the Andes; Kazumi Ohishi from Okinawa; Kurikindi of the Kichwa people from the Ecuadorian Amazon; Ninawa Pai da Mata of the Huni Kuin people of the Brazilian Amazon; Jarmbi of the Ngarakwal Githabul people from Australia; Anthar Kharana from Colombia; and Lila Lieberman initiate and sangoma of the Shona tradition of South Africa.
To Susie Martineau for facilitating our visit to Hopton on Sea and Bury St Edmonds, and to the good people of East Anglia who braved the wind and rain to welcome and guide us; Nicky Paton for hosting us at Royston Cave with such patience and forbearance; Brett and Kathy Kellett, Marina and the entire global Kiva familia for holding the beautiful prayer that is the Kiva Earth Altar in our lands, and for their ever gracious hospitality and support; to Terry Dobney, Susan Lomas and the Druid Order of Avebury, and Genevieve Boast and her family for hosting us at the Summer Solstice observances with such good grace and humour; to Josh and Di Dugdale, Onny Loisel, Joe Cathers, Zac Avery, Dan Ferro and the whole Wasinga micronation for our time of deep respite and nurture in the woods.
To Jenna Ansell and Smiles Rendon, Peachy, Alex Holbrook, Seth Tabatznik, Charlotte Pulver, Felipe Viveros, Jeremy Whelehan, Miguel Angel De Lara, Philip Volkers, Adrian Fisk, Guy Ogilvy, Annie Dare, Magnus Dennis, Flossy Barnett-Howland, Lulu Urquhart, Simon, Ptolemy and Artemis Parfett, Alex Good, Anna Haber, David Gardner, Sophie Docker, Dan Hurring, Remi Olajoyegbe, John Dwyer, Ruby Dwyer, George Barker, Billy, Moshe Halperin, Jimena Paratcha, Dillon Whitlock, Hattie Wells, Zoe Tryon, Ruby Reed, Jeya Angelique, Nick and Isadora Mulvey for building, holding and embrightening the Wisdom Keepers camp at Glastonbury with such loving care and attention.
To Emily Eavis, Nick Dewey, Aoife Dick, Liz, Toby and Etty Elliot, Moose and the entire Glastonbury festival family for welcoming and supporting the Wisdom Keepers at the festival for the first time.
To Tara and Beth, Viroka, Stevie, Sophie and the Ancient Futures family for inviting and hosting the Wisdom Keepers into your space so hospitably and with such indefatigable grace, solidarity, patience and good humour.
To Martin and Susie, Venetia, Harry and Barty Dearden, Ollie Stroud and the whole family on Pennard Hill for initiating and holding the Wisdom Keepers endeavour at Glastonbury from the outset to the last.
To Kerry and Kath Veitch and The Commons family for hosting the Wisdom Keepers Water Ceremony and Earth Defenders roundtable with such love and care. Also to Green Futures, Green Fields, The Other Stage, Park Stage, Avalon, and Arcadia for welcoming and hosting the Wisdom Keepers in their areas and stages.
To Scott Murden, Cri Cazzinaga, Oona Chaplin, Tom Peto, Rory Logsdail and the whole Familia Iskawata Kayawe.
To Gail Bradbrook, Farhana Yamin, Tiana Jacout, Ronan McNern and the entire Extinction Rebellion movement for their extraordinary powerful and critical work, and for their participation in building the resilient networks and partnerships we all need to facilitate this Great Turning we are engaged in as a species.
To Atossa Soltani for her walk in the world as Founder of Amazon Watch, and lead on the critical Sacred Headwaters of the Amazon Alliance – thank you for being with us, know that we stand with you every step of the way.
To Emma Watkinson, Sean Ferris, Ramon van de Velde, Jennifer Tredinnick, Paul Webb, Richard Good, John Moss, William from Pencoose Pantry, and the Prussia Cove family for our journey across Devon and Cornwall.
To Kate and Lucas Christie, Akiko Joshino, Eleanora Ascencio, Anna Vrsnik, Retta Bowen, Mari Muench, Samiy, Cindy Bergh and Alastair Mackenzie for their stalwart support, tireless service and good counsel during the entire length of the pilgrimage and beyond.
And as always, first and last, thank you to The Great Spirit for everything.
Blessings, love and thanks

Andrean Tradition, Chile
Jeff Firewalker Schmitt, PhD, is a Scientist, Folk Healer, Tabaquero, Ceremonialist and Musician; he is a walkerbetween-worlds. Jeff is a dedicated practitioner and student of the folk healing traditions of Peru and North America, he is also a teacher of the healing arts of South America and the Andes. Over the past 25 years he has given nearly 200 invited presentations, including a TEDx talk and keynote at the Global Philosophy Forum.
The Deepen Tradition, UK
Water Seer, Sculptor and Spiritual Mentor, Julia is based in West Sussex, England, where she combines shamanism and the inherited teachings of her lineage in order to build bridges of communication across the Realms of Being in loving Service. Founder of Sacred Waters of Sussex, Julia works with communities to gently clear, clean and restore ancient water sites.

Colombian Tradition
Anthar Kharana is native from the land of the Hacaritama people up in the Andes in the north of Colombia, a land where ancient warriors used to live. He is a guardian of traditional medicines and of the Sacred Fire of the Americas, guided and supported by wise Elders from his homeland from an early age. As a Sundancer he carries the Chanupa (peace pipe) and Inipi (sweat lodge) medicines from the lineage of Leonard Crow Dog and became one of the Sons of the alliance of the Eagle and Condor, a New Nation united by the agreement of the Elders of the North and South America to become One.
Fuego Sagrado de Itzachilatlan & Andean Traditions, Canada
Erika Gagnon is a Canadian ceremonial leader and wisdom keeper of mixed race ancestry, who has walked the “ Camino Rojo/Red Road ” for 24 years, working with Indigenous elders of North & South America and their ceremonies, traditions & medicinal plants. She has walked through the altars of the Vision Quest, Sun Dance and Danza de los Epiritus, and has the blessing of her elders to continue their traditions and lead Temazcal (sweat lodges), water blessing, tobacco and other healing ceremonies.

Druidic Tradition, UK
Chris Park is a Druid of the Order of Bards, Ovates & Druids. He lives on an organic farm in the Vale of the White Horse, Oxfordshire, UK. Working in a sacred grove, hosting ceremonies and teaching old ways and new. He is of Welsh, English and Scottish heritage, with over 25 years of experience of native British and European wisdom traditions, druids and cunning-folk. He is a beekeeper and apitherapist, a celebrant and healer, teacher and mentor, artist and musician.
Caretaker of N. & So American traditions, US
Jyoti is an internationally renowned spiritual teacher. She has cultivated projects that demonstrate ways of life that honor the Earth and all Peoples. As the Spiritual Director of the Center for Sacred Studies, she co-founded Kayumari, an international spiritual healing community with centers both in America and Europe. She has been initiated into and carries ceremonial ways from North and South America and Africa. She has devoted her life to bringing unity to the planet by facilitating the development of alliances between individuals who are the guardians of indigenous culture and traditional medicine ways.

Kichwa Tradition, Ecuador
Kurikindi is a Kichwa Amazonian Shaman. He was born in the rainforests of Ecuador and into to an ancient line of shamanic families. Kurikindi has over 36 years of experience. Since very young he was immersed in the shamanic way of life. He feels that growing up in his atmosphere was a great privilege and an honour. His family travelled long distances and to other countries in South America to spend time with shamans from other cultures and nationalities to learn and share knowledge and experiences.
Avalon Tradition, UK
Emma Stow is an energy healer, writer and speaker known for her international work on the soul. Her background in intuitive healing, astrology and sacred land has given her direct experience with the greater connections of our lives and those of our planet and to this unique time of transformation. In 2007 she had a powerful awakening experience in the sacred land of Avalon and was asked by the land to work there. She spent years walking, learning the routes by heart to map the stars on the Earth culminating in the 50 mile Summer Solstice pilgrimage of 2012.

Q'ero Tradition, Peru
Spiritual teacher of the Inka-Nature Wisdom Tradition and international bestselling author, Elizabeth B. Jenkins, MA, MFT, is an American writer of popular spiritual books. She is a licensed psychotherapist, cultural investigator and organic farmer. She writes and conducts intensives, workshops and seminars on the subjects of: Inka Nature Mysticism, Q’ero Healing Practices and Organic Farming. In 2004, she established a partnership with Native Hawaiian Kahuna, and the indomitable Mother Nature of the Big Island, to bring people and nature together through education, service and sami.
Ngarakwal Githabul Tradition, Australia
Jarmbi is a Custodian of the Northern Rivers from the Githabul and Ngarakwal tribes. Over the course of the path walked during the last ten years, Jarmbi’s understanding of his own spirit was assisted by many guides along the way. Most of the knowledge embodied is “human”, not so much indigenous to any one country, but to humanity’s connection to the Earth, the Mother and Father.

Okinawan Shaman Female Oracle Tradition, Japan
Born in Okinawa, an island off the south coast of Japan, Kazumi is a Kaminchu, a type of shaman who deals with the Gods. They communicate with higher beings, using the physical body to receive messages. Traditionally a Kaminchu does not appear in front of people, however Kazumi has been receiving messages regarding the future of the Earth and Humankind and so she has come to the decision that is time to reveal these messages and predictions regarding the spiritual and natural world to people around the world.
Huni Kuin Tradition, Brazil
Ninawa Pai Da Mata of the Huni Kuin tribe is a spiritual leader and chief of four villages from the Humatai river side of the tribe in the state of Acre. Over the last 6 years he has shared his healing work through out Europe, US and India and one of the most respect leaders and shamans of his people.
Full Wisdom Keepers programme and profiles available for download here